Resting ECG, fluff or no fluff

Follow-up to introductory training - 12 channel

Description of training

The Hartis Academy provides this training specifically for POHs and Assistants working in a clinic or general practice.

Several ECGs pass by you daily, and in addition to the quality of the ECG, you need to be mindful of important abnormalities that may be subtle but require action.

This training focuses on recognizing these abnormalities. In addition to a review of the most common rhythm and conduction disorders, we want to help you recognize "fluff versus nonfluff. What can wait and may go to the family physician or even cardiologist for later assessment and what should be assessed right now?

Consider the following situations: You see ST-segment depression on an ECG. Should this be assessed immediately or may it be assessed later? Can a patient with very frequent PVCs continue with an exercise test or should this study be discontinued?

In other words; What is a variant of normal or is a more or less chronic abnormality and what is acute? This Webinar will give you tools to help you make the right choice here.

General information about Resting ECG, fluff or no fluff

  • For whom:

    Assistants and/or practice assistants who already have basic knowledge of the ECG and conduction of the heart or they have taken the basic training with us and want more ECG knowledge.

  • Accreditation:

    3 SBHFL or Kabiz points.

  • Training Form:

    Webinar 3 hours.

  • Costs:

    € 99,-

Training content

  • What are the articulation properties of the sinus and AV node?

  • To what extent can these be influenced and how do you see this on the ECG?

  • What conduction disorders do we distinguish and why are some more threatening to a patient than others.

  • Practice with case histories.

  • We conclude the training with a test. After participation, you will receive a certificate.

Questions about the course?

For questions, please call us at 088 202 46 46 or email us at


Data Protection and Privacy Management

The ISO 27701 certificate is an international standard for Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS).

This means that we meet the highest standards of data protection and privacy management, providing our patients and partners with the assurance that their information will be kept safe and confidential.


Information Security

ISO 27001 certification is a globally recognized standard for information security management.

This means that we meet strict requirements for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. This certification gives our patients and partners assurance that their data is in safe hands with us.


NEN 7510 certificate

The NEN 7510 certificate is a Dutch standard specifically focused on healthcare information security. This certification guarantees that we are careful about the security of medical information.

At Hartis, achieving NEN 7510 certification means that we meet the highest standards for protecting patient data.


Hartis is committed to information security and privacy of you and your patients and has therefore had its processes externally audited and is ISO 27001, ISO 27701 and NEN 7510 certified. The certificates can be downloaded for your own records.

Download our Certificates (PDF)

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