Registration training
Fill out the form below to register for training Geleidingsstoornissen
Questions about the course?
For questions, please call us at 088 202 46 46 or email us at helpdesk@hartis.nl.

Data Protection and Privacy Management
The ISO 27701 certificate is an international standard for Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS).
This means that we meet the highest standards of data protection and privacy management, providing our patients and partners with the assurance that their information will be kept safe and confidential.

Information Security
ISO 27001 certification is a globally recognized standard for information security management.
This means that we meet strict requirements for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. This certification gives our patients and partners the assurance that their data is in safe hands with us.

NEN 7510 certificate
The NEN 7510 certificate is a Dutch standard specifically focused on healthcare information security. This certification guarantees that we are careful about the security of medical information.
At Hartis, achieving NEN 7510 certification means that we meet the highest standards for protecting patient data.