Hartis Telezorg your partner in cardiac rhythm diagnostics

Our care offer

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Holter to Home request

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I am a patient

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Welcome to Hartis

What does Hartis do?

As a general practitioner, do you want to expand your range of care and improve service to your patients? Hartis Telezorg is your specialist in high-quality and reliable cardiac diagnostics in primary care. Hartis believes that innovative E-health solutions make an essential and future-proof contribution to making healthcare more patient-friendly, efficient and affordable. To realize this, we offer a comprehensive range of cardiology support through our Holter and Event registration as well as Resting ECG registration and 24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring.

Who is Hartis?

Hartis' mission is clear: to provide the best possible cardiac care to patients. Our team consists of medically trained staff (physicians and cardiologists) and has over 20 years of experience in cardiac rhythm diagnostics and arrhythmia reporting. At Hartis, the patient's well-being is paramount and we strive to ensure that each patient feels reassured and well-informed. We are approachable, visible and pay sincere attention to our customers and patients. As a result, we unburden not only the patient, but also general practitioners, physician assistants and practice managers.

Hartis in practice

Hartis offers Holter (24-, 48- or 72-hour) and Event recording (7 or 14 days) as well as Resting ECG recording. You can choose to receive the Hartis ECG recorder on loan or use the Holter to Home Service . In addition to this home service, we also offer the 24-hour blood pressure monitoring at Home service. After completion of the examination, the recording is analyzed and reviewed by the medical specialists at Hartis. Within 2-3 working days you will receive a comprehensive report including conclusion and advice by EDIFACT. Should you wish to discuss individual cases with our medical team, we can be reached by telephone. You can also request medical advice within our Hartis online portal.

Caregiver benefits


Complete cardiovascular
care offering

Who offer a full range of care,
consisting of Holter/Event registration,
Rest-ECG and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.

Continuous Holter and
Event recording

The Hartis ECG recorder records
continuous heart rhythm, both
during a Holter and Event examination


Easily and quickly request
through ZorgDomein

You can easily request
through our care offer in ZorgDomein.

Excellent telephone

We believe it is important to be well
accessible by phone.
With us, you will be helped on average within
20 seconds and
you will be helped immediately with your question.


Relief for GP
practice through "Home diagnostics"

For Holter/Event registration and 24-hour
blood pressure monitoring, we offer a home service.
Patients receive a package to perform the
examination in their own home environment.

Assessment within
2 to 3 days in your HIS

The results are sent within 2 to 3 days
securely via EDIFACT and are
immediately visible in your HIS.


Reimbursement by
all health insurance companies

We have contracted with all health insurance companies
for our healthcare products.

ISO 27001 / ISO 27001 /
NEN7510 certified

Hartis takes privacy and data security
very seriously and is certified to
all of the above standards.


Support from
Heartis Medical Team

For medical help questions, our
physicians and cardiologists are always ready to support you
. You can ask non-binding
questions in the Online Hartis Portal.

Why choose Hartis?

Hartis is committed to providing the best possible cardiac care to patients. Therefore, Hartis provides quality unparalleled cardiac rhythm diagnostics through primary care. Hartis aims to make its cardiac rhythm diagnostics available directly or indirectly through at least 50% of all primary care practices. Patients who need to undergo cardiac rhythm testing will thus have quick and easy access to diagnostics.

Hartis believes that innovative E-health solutions make an essential and future-proof contribution to making healthcare more patient-friendly, efficient and affordable. GP practices and patients benefit from safe, accessible and high-quality diagnostics that ensure the safety of information and patients.

At Hartis, three core values are central: caring, accessibility and safety. We put patients' interests first by reassuring and properly informing them, which indirectly also relieves GPs and practice support workers. Our diagnostics are widely available and accessible, with personal attention to clients. We provide diagnostics of the highest quality level and ensure the security of patient data, so everyone can rely on safe, reliable care.

Cardiac diagnostics Hartis

Our complete cardiovascular care offerings

Cardiac arrhythmias can manifest as symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath and fatigue. Screening, such as cardiovascular risk management (CVRM), plays a crucial role in early detection of cardiovascular disease and requires careful medical examination.

At Hartis, we offer various diagnostic solutions, including Holter and Event ECG recordings, Wearable ECG recording, Full service Resting ECG recording, Resting ECG assessment service, Holter at Home and the 24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring at Home. With these services, we support general practitioners and patients in rapid and effective diagnosis, for optimal care and treatment.

Holter -and Event ECG recording

24-, 48-, and 72-hour Holter ECG recording and 7 or 14-day Event ECG recording

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Full Service Resting ECG Recording

A 12-lead 30-second Resting ECG made using our recorder and associated cables.

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Holter to Home Service

Perform a Holter/ Event examination in the patient's familiar home environment through "Home Diagnostics".

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24-hour Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring research possible in the patient's familiar home environment, through "Home Diagnostics".

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Cardiovascular diagnostics specialist

Hartis is a leading specialist in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, with more than 20 years of experience in this field. Our team, consisting of cardiologists and other medically trained professionals, offers comprehensive cardiovascular diagnostics such as Holter ECG recording, Event ECG recording, Resting ECG and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring. These services enable us to accurately and quickly identify and analyze various forms of cardiac arrhythmias.

Hartis in practice

At Hartis, we provide primary care practices with high-quality diagnostic support in the field of cardiac arrhythmias. Whether you choose our Holter -and Event recorders at the practice, Full Service Resting ECG or use the Holter at Home Service, we provide comprehensive training, the right equipment, associated materials and full support. After the examination is performed, you will receive a comprehensive analysis report from us, along with a targeted conclusion and advice, in your own Hartis Portal. Our process is designed to unburden you, allowing you to focus on the best possible care for your patients. Hartis in your practice means ...


Hartis has agreements with all health insurance companies. Holter and Event ECG registration is reimbursed by all health insurance companies.

The care and services provided by Hartis are covered by specialist medical care and therefore subject to the patient's deductible. Should a patient not yet have used up his deductible, the costs for the patient amount to an average of € 150. On the other hand, the costs for a visit to a cardiologist are many times higher.

Hartis sends the report to the prescribing physician via EDIFACT in two to three business days.

To work with the Hartis ECG recorder you need: a computer with Windows operating system an Internet connection and the intention to use this recorder.

The electrode patches may come off due to excessive perspiration or oily skin. Make sure the skin is properly disinfected before attaching the electrodes to the skin. To prevent the stickers from coming off, you may want to put a piece of tape over the wire of the electrodes.

Hartis documents

We have prepared a number of documents for you to use with any of our diagnostic options.

Hartis Brochure

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Holter / Event ECG recording checklist.

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Resting ECG checklist

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Return form

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